“Life is an Adventure” – The Brand
Those words cannot be ever so true, for life is indeed an Adventure, and we the destined travelers born to explore it. From the day we are born, we are born to learn, to explore, and to discover things within ourselves and outwards in this world. Things that define us, that help us grow and that teaches us lessons that truly define us. After all, It is all part of the growing process of existence, where we come to terms with whom we are and our purpose upon this planet.
When we started this brand years ago, we never really took it as seriously as we should have. We did not bother to register trademark the name and instead just focused on life. However after recent evens in the past few years, and after losing so many amazing people in our lives to death and other matters.
We decided to take our brand to a whole new level, and to register trademark “Life is an Adventure”. We did so because there is no point in investing time, money, sweat, blood, love and passion into a brand without securing its entity.
The brand name is a personal reminder of what once was, as we desperately try to grasp the straws of old memories. Yet, a part of me believes that it was done to inspire a world, to get people off the couch, so that they can truly experience this blessed thing called life.
For alas, let’s face it, life is short and ever so limited. Live for the moment, and make the decisions that build your tomorrow. For nothing is guaranteed in life except for this present moment.
With that being stated, we have a whole line of clothes, gear and products soon to launch with our trademark. Those inquiring about licensing our registered trademark name may do so. That is if it does not conflict with our brand.
However we will enforce anyone violating our trademark in order to secure our brand and investment.